Fashion is a way of explaining your identity and showing your class. You can find latest fashion trends over here!
One of my friends asked me ...
"My friend, how do you define fashion"?
All of a sudden I got stuck up for want of an answer. However, I explained to him, based on my understanding of fashion & lifestyle, 'quote' - "fashion is an area of activity that involves a person wearing his/her clothes in a particular style, or combing and setting his/her hair, working on makeup, using Footwear, waist belt, cap/hat, scarf, etc. all in a particular style. Unquote"
A dress worn by a person is looked upon by another person who perceives it, liked and remembered and in fact he/she is buying the same kind of dress. This goes for all accessories that a man or a woman carries with him/her. Eg. Shoes, bags, watches etc. The experiences, the comfort of the materials they carry with them while traveling, the material by which it was manufactured, though, sometimes through word of mouth, the publicity is created acclaimed in general, that the stuff is good then liked, and the fashion is kept going.